Sweetch • 스위치
Another accidental found on my neighborhood walks, I passed by Sweetch (스위치) store and decided to go in and check out their products. Sweetch is a local brand and they sell different type of bags and accessories that are made from coated canvas, felt and leather that are locally made. The material is sturdy and the stitching quality is very good. I actually ended up purchasing one of their market bag for my sister and a document pouch for my dad. Here’s a little bit about their brand from their website:
sweet + switch = sweetch
“Sweetch is a company that provides values. We produce what makes our customers valuable, amid the sea of products that are treated as disposables. Instead of following the trend, we choose to deliver lasting products that you would want to take with you every day, by focusing on the basics of design, carefully selected materials, details and wit, and solid quality, along with practicality.”
I visited their old location and they have now moved to a new location. If you ever looking for a bag, definitely check out Sweetch to see if there’s anything that suits your style.

Sweetch • 스위치
Address: 서울특별시 서대문구 연희동 520-158
Telephone: 02-6933-7209
Hours: 14:00 - 20:00 (Monday to Saturday)
Website: Sweetch