Off The Ground • 오프더그라운드
This past spring, there has been a good number of new cafes that I came across during my neighborhood exploration walks. Off The Ground (오프더그라운드) was one of them. I was heading towards another place with my cousin but then decided to check this place out cos it's on the way. We stepped into a rather white minimalistic space and I headed to the counter to order our drinks. Chatted up the guy who took my order and turned out, he's the owner of the place and they just opened a week before. So this place is like new, new. The place is not that big, but I feel like this could be a good place to get some work done (on the communal table) or to meet up with a friend if you are looking for a smaller spot to hang out at. And... they also serve non-coffee & tea options which is always a plus point for me.

Watch the video:

Address: 서울특별시 마포구 와우산로 39-12
Tel. No: 010.9129.4104
Operation hour: 11:00 - 22:00 (Closed on Mondays)
Subway: Sangsu Station (Line 6) Exit 1
Instagram: @__cafe_offtheground__